Kyary starring! Pop and chaotic movie "Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Cinema JOHN! Disclosure decision


A singer and a model star of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu starring "Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Cinema JOHN! It will be released from July 12.

The film is made into a movie of the Kyary crown variety program "Kyary Pamyu Pamyu TV JOHN!" Which is being broadcasted irregularly from Météret since 2011. The program has been broadcasted until the 5th so far, remaking the name scene from among them. Kyary who is shocked to know that he was a "robot" has been reborn as a fantasy story that it will appear in a little surreal "journey to seek him".


Around the world from April this year, Japan, Germany, France and three countries have been worldwide location, and the staff are 4 directors, producers, photographers and screenwriters, as if they were movie clubs This work produced with Nori. That's why "free air" flows throughout the film, making it pop and chaotic, reflecting the flexibility that is not in the concept of movies, and the view of the world of Kyary.

Kyori said "This is a fantasy work that I made with Asobi sense, in a nice sense, in a good sense, anyway, it is a worldwide scale, not only in Japan, but also in Europe as well as in theater. To my live, adults, of course, junior high school students, high school students, and little children are getting really wide, and I think that this movie likes to be seen widely by all of you! " I got a comment.

"Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Cinema JOHN! "Is released nationwide from July 12.


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